
Calathea: plant and its varieties

Calathea: plant and its varieties

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Calathea, even without "H" answers, it is a tropical plant that grows spontaneously in South America, its country of origin, as well as in some parts of Asia, its ideal habitat is the undergrowth of the rainforests and that is why it loves the climate hot, with few changes in temperature, damp and not very sunny. There are many species of Calatea but a dozen or so can survive in our apartments. Let's be satisfied, they are not a fallback, on the contrary, they are always a welcome presence.

Calathea: the plant

A plant of Calathea if it is dwarf, it can measure only 40-50 cm, but the largest ones reach one meter in height, in all cases it is very decorative, furnishes and attracts attention. In Italy this is true for the species that can adapt to our climate and we find Calathea in nurseries but before buying one, it is necessary to read carefully everything that needs to be done to take care of it properly and then understand whether to take charge of it. It is not at all easy to grow and bloom one tropical plant like this, let's get ready for the challenge, raising the green thumb.

The Calathea leaves are large and oval or sword-shaped, they shine green with contrasting streaks, in particular the upper face is green with areas white or light green while the lower can also be rosacea or purple.

In spring some inflorescences sprout among the leaves, but only if we are treating it well and the climate is perfect: they are small, white, pink or yellow flowers. In the apartment, seeing a Calathea bloom is an event, if you can, photograph it.

Calathea Crocata

It is the species most likely to bloom in our homes, in fact it is no coincidence that nurseries choose the Crocata and display it already with the flowers in sight, on top of thin dark stems, light yellow color under larger, orange bracts. This is an evergreen herbaceous plant, native to the rainforests of the Brazil, from its erect stems large dark and lanceolate shaped leaves sprout, at times they appear black or chocolate color but the underside tends to purple.

Calathea Rufibarba

A type of Calathea which has many sub-varieties among which the best known is the "Tropistar". It is recognized because its leaves, in addition to being lanceolate and elongated, as in many other cases, have the particularity of having very wavy margins.

Calathea Makoiana

Widespread in nature in Brazil the C. Makoiana it has oval, large and long leaves that stand out among the others because they are light green and stained with dark green along the veins, but on the underside the color is pink or white. There are also hybrids of this species, the whole category en masse prefers without ifs and buts the warm and humid, tropical climate, which remember "home" not ours, but hers undergrowth.

Calathea Ornata

This one is no more ornate than the others Calathea original Guyana and Columbia, but it has dark green leaves with ivory stripes that trace the secondary veins in order to create a very scenographic design. The underside is dark purple, as in other cases. Della Ornata exist the "roseo-lineata" variety, with thin pink lines that turn white as we age, e the "sanderiana" variety with wider leaves, dark olive green, with long pink lines.

Calathea Veitchiana

Similar to the peacock feathers, the leaves of the Calathea veitchiana they are certainly among the most particular. Ovals, up to 30 cm long, show original designs created by the different ones shades of green that with imagination mix all over the surface without too many rules.

Calathea: where to buy it

In addition to many brave nurseries, the Calathea it can be purchased online in a rather simple way. One click and with less than 12 Euros we can get us home a plant of the Rosapista species, to be kept well, exclusively in the apartment, in a not too large pot, containing a rich, porous soil placed in a bright area. To ensure a long life, let's water it sporadically but don't forget to vaporize the leaves to make it feel like undergrowth.

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