
Grow hydrangea on the balcony

Grow hydrangea on the balcony

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Grow balcony hydrangeas: instructions for growing potted hydrangea. Location, care, how much water to administer, fertilization and what measures to take to get through the winter.

Thehydrangeasgrown injar, almost like those grown in the ground, they can give back bushes full of flowers. Thehydrangeas they produce pink, blue, lavender and white flowers.

Grow hydrangeas on the balcony, exposure

Thehydrangeasthey do not tolerate full sun. The shade must protect the foliage and the vase, so much so that a vase exposed to direct sunlight can damage the roots and, in a short time, you would end up with ahydrangea that does not bloom due to excessive heating of the soil.

If yoursbalconyis exposed to the east or west, forcultivate hydrangea in potso planters you have to set up a tent that can provide shelter for the plants in the hours of intense sun (from nine to thirteen or from thirteen to seventeen). Maintain properpositionit is essential for flowering plants but it is even more so for hydrangea: you must also pay attention to the vase! The curtain must also shade the entire planter.

Potted hydrangeas, how much water

Thehydrangeasthey need a lot of water. Water during the evening or early morning hours. The ideal would be to be able to divide the irrigation into two shifts so as to administer a greater volume of water that is better exploited by the plant.

With hydrangeas it doesn't matter onlyhow much water to administer and how to bathe ...with potted hydrangeas what makes the difference is the quality of the water, or rather, its hardness. Selfirrigate hydrangeaswith tap water you will alkalize the soil making the life of the plant very difficult. Irrigating with tap water, even the flowers change color!

For irrigation, use water that is not cold but at room temperature. Fill the watering can 24 hours before irrigation and make the water sour by adding a few tablespoons of white wine vinegar directly into the watering can. Discard the water that remains at the bottom of the watering can in order to eliminate the precipitated calcium salts (limestone).

Distribute the water very slowly and making sure that it wets all the clod. Remember that if you irrigate hastily, the water will only drain away from the drain holes of the pot, pulling down a good part of the nutrients contained in the soil.

If yourspotted hydrangea is sufferingor you want to preserve the color of yoursblue hydrangeas (to prevent the color from changing) read the guide article on howirrigate acidophilic plants.

Grow balcony hydrangeas, the color of flowers

The color of hydrangeas depends on the pH of the soil but only up to a certain point. With the speciesHydrangea macrophylla, H. macrophylla normalis and in H. paniculatait is possible to change the color of the flowers from pink to deep blue and vice versa. With other types of hydrangea the hoped-for color change with the change in the soil pH reaction has no effect. The color remains constant although, in some varieties, the flowers ofwhite hydrangeawhen they wither they turn pink.

The very acid soils (rich in peat) give life to blue flowers.
Alkaline soils (calcareous soils) are suitable for growing pink hydrangeas.

How to protect hydrangea in winter

If possible, during the winter, withdraw the planters in a sheltered place, especially if it concerns the species ofhydrangeas most in need of protection and care in the winter months, namely theHydrogea macrophyllaand theHydrogea serrata. To protect hydrangeas from the winter cold you can read the dedicated guide article:how to protect hydrangeas from the cold.

Thehydrangeas on the balconywhich cannot be placed in a sheltered position, can be protected from the cold of winter with a layer of non-woven fabric and a few centimeters of mulching material placed at the foot of the plant. Mulching is a very useful technique that will help protect the plant from summer heat and winter frost. In winter, stop all types of irrigation.

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