
Pilates: what is it for and what benefits does it provide

Pilates: what is it for and what benefits does it provide

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Pilates, a fashion that comes and goes but we don't give little weight to this important training method which, if followed properly, and not as a temporary passion dictated by the advice of others, can give us real benefits.
The Pilates it is essentially based on the physical abilities and limits of each of us and starts from our current physical form to improve it. It is not the classic free body gymnastics but it requires the use of particular tools which make it more effective and targeted. An example that many of us will have in mind even though we have never done so before Pilates, and the big ball.

Pilates: what it is

Having established that it is not a gymnastics like the others, but not even a practice reserved for super athletics, let's see better how it was born and why. The Pilates is one of the many examples of how not all evil comes to harm. In fact, the creator, a German by name Joseph H. Pilates, he designed it to heal the various health problems he suffered from since childhood: rickets, asthma and rheumatic fever.

With a great willpower and a lot of study of the original philosophies, this young man with poor health has given us a precious discipline that requires concentration but which gives us awareness of our breath and many typical benefits of gentle gymnastics.

Give it yoga took part in the practice of asanas but the breathing techniques are different. We can practice Pilates both by attending group courses in the gym and if we are dedicating ourselves to a path of postural re-education and we are doing physiotherapy.

Pilates: what it is for

It is difficult to summarize in a few lines what this is for type of training, each person derives personal benefits. In general, we can say that it favors the elasticity of the joints and the fluidity of movements, helps the elongation of the muscles and encourages the use of the mind to control them. The parts of the body, apart from the mind, on which the action of the Pilates are the postural muscles and the spine.

Pilates: what benefits does it provide?

The main purpose for which you start practicing this particular gymnastics of German origin is to strengthen the muscles of the trunk area, including, abdomen, buttocks, adductors and lumbar area. Secondly, but very importantly, also the real alignment of the spine.

These are the first objectives of the Pilates which in chain assures us many other very negligible benefits. We will immediately see an improvement in awareness and coordination of the breath and a greater ability to control the movements of the body that will be more fluid. Enough sudden but always precise gestures that do not create trauma or tears. After a few months of regular training we will be masters of our center of gravity and we will be able to admire ourselves in the mirror appreciating a aesthetic remodeling of the body.

We will not become models if we are not already, but our figure will become healthier and more harmonious, more functional and suitable for a life full of pleasures and activities to devote to thanks to an acquired more toned musculature. Attention, more toned, not from Body Building: the sculpted body is not from Pilates, this gymnastics makes it healthier.

Pilates for back pain

A better posture and more toned muscles can only reduce back pain, so unless you have particular contraindications, if you suffer from it, take a Pilates course, also useful for skeletal alignment and walking as well as for relieve neck pain.

Those who are healthy should not come across particular vetoes, if we have any doubts, however, we can always consult with our doctor who will be able to evaluate whether, suffering from particular pains or momentary contractures, it is the case to postpone the Pilates.

It is very important, however, even if we are in perfect shape, to rely on a experienced instructor, able to indicate the suitable exercises and those to avoid based on our current physique.

Pilates for weight loss

To say that Pilates is gymnastics for weight loss is a big lie, but when we do it, if we need to, we will end up losing weight. This happens because the movements we are led to make force us to one regular, gentle and healthy physical activity: the perfect formula to get back in shape without upsetting our life and our body. Not only that: the benefits will not only be seen on the scale, but also by taking note of theincreased muscle and cardiovascular tone. While we are at it, we will be more focused and aware of what is happening in our body.

Pilates in pregnancy

There are those who argue that Pilates is to be avoided for pregnant women. It is a discussed topic, so it is best to ask your doctor before dedicating ourselves to this physical activity. In fact, if in some cases it may be deleterious to practice these exercises, on the other hand there are future mothers who could instead benefit from it, for example, by seeing an increase inelasticity of tendons, muscles and joints in view of the time of labor.

In pregnancy the Pilates it helps us to maintain muscle tone and correct posture and to prevent musculoskeletal problems, teaches us awareness of our body and promotes the functioning of the circulatory, lymphatic, respiratory and digestive systems. Let's not forget that with this gymnastics we also learn to relax and breathe better, to maintain control over the center of gravity and avoid foot, ankle and knee problems.

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