
Barberry, plant and properties

Barberry, plant and properties

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Barberry, plant and properties: natural remedies, do-it-yourself infusions and mother tincture. The use of barberry fruits (red berries), bark and roots.

Barberry, characteristics of the plant

The barberryit's aplantbelonging to the Berberidaceae family. There plant, botanically known asBerberis vulgarisit can reach three meters in height and develops large roots. The roots appear dark on the outside but yellow on the inside.

Thebarberryit has many thorny branches, elliptical leaves, very characteristic, which narrow at the base and are rounded at the apex. The leaves are gathered on very short twigs.

Thereplantit grows spontaneously at the edges of the woods, in the hedges and in the pastures, between 100 and 2,000 meters above sea level. Hercultivationfor food (for berries) or for therapeutic purposes it is widespread in several countries.

The fruit, the crispino berries

Thefruit of the barberryit is a berry about 1 cm long, red and persistent on the plant. Thebarberry berriescontain two to three horny-shelled seeds.

In herbal medicine, berries, leaves and root bark are used for their therapeutic properties. In particular, the berries they are useful both for the preparation of homeopathic remedies and for food purposes.

In summer, the fruit of Berberis vulgaris, reaches full maturity but is strongly acidic so, even if ripe, it is not ready yet. After the first autumn frosts, i crispino fruitsthey soften and become palatable.

With thecrispino berriesharvested in autumn, it is possible to prepare excellent jams. Theberriesthey can also be eaten fresh: they are rich in Vitamin C and malic acid (which is why they have a slightly acidic taste).

Barberry, property

The barberry counts property bitter, tonic, astringent, febrifugal, purifying, diuretic. Due to the activity of its active ingredients, this plant is often described as anatural antipyretic, useful for lowering fever.

It can be used to purify the body (in particular, it helps detoxify the liver) and counteract urinary tract infections.

All parts of the plant contain a yellow alkaloid, berberine. In the past, the plant was exploited for various purposes: the yellow pigment was used to dye wool and leather; since the ancient Egyptians were knownproperties of barberry,used to treat ulcerations, infections of the oral cavity and intestinal disorders.

Berberine is a multiple isoquinoline (alkaloid)property: it performs antisecretive, antimicrobial actions and is very useful in the treatment of various kinds of infections and is known for its ability to lower the concentration of glucose in the blood (glycaemia) and cholesterol.

Berberine is useful in the treatment of infections such as bacterial diarrhea or relapses from Candida albicans (it is a natural remedy for candida).

Thebarberryownspropertyantipyretic (it naturally lowers fever), hypotensive (helps lower blood pressure), anti-inflammatory (contrasts inflammation, excellent against seasonal ailments such as colds, coughs ...) and anti-haemorrhagic (it is a good haemostatic in case of uterine bleeding) . In addition, it promotes the functioning of the liver and the outflow of bile, so it is useful for preventing gallstones.

Among the others properties of barberry, we point out:

  • It has an antibacterial action
    it acts against vaginal yeast infections (type candida), against infections with escherichia coli, vibrio cholerae, giardia lamblia and various bacterial strains.
  • It has a diuretic action
    the active ingredients contained in the leaves favor the elimination of liquids.
  • Plays a laxative action band
    it is useful in case of constipation and constipation.

Barberry, natural remedies

Thebarberry berriesthey can be introduced in the autumn diet to prevent and combat the ailments of the first seasonal colds. The remarkable content of vitamin C strengthens the immune system.

THEbarberry seedsthey can be used as a spice in cooking as well as fresh sprouts can be added to salads.

An infusion of barberry can be prepared by infusing 2 tablespoons of dried leaves in 200 ml of boiling water for five minutes. To take full advantage of the property you can take 2 cups a day, away from meals.

Alternatively, it is possible to use the mother tincture of barberry in a non-alcoholic extract. Barberry tincture is obtained from the bark and root. It is generally taken three times a day, 30 drops diluted in water to sip between meals. For the doses, however, always rely on the product label.

Where to find barberry tincture? In herbal medicine or using the online purchase: on Amazon, a 50 ml bottle is offered at the price of 18.99 euros with shipping included in the price.

Video: Treating Acne with Barberries (January 2025).