
Cauliflower: benefits and recipes

Cauliflower: benefits and recipes

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Cauliflower, winter vegetables but also "dietetic" because they are rich in properties but low in calories. There are those who manage to consume it even 2 or 3 times a week and this is the recommended frequency in order to make the most of all the benefits associated with this food. It may seem exaggerated but we shouldn't think about having to eat Cauliflower boiled every other evening, we can add it to much tastier recipes, prepare it au gratin, turned into mousse or use it as a condiment for pasta or an ingredient in soups. There are also the pickled one and if you want you can also eat the Raw cauliflower unless you have hyperthyroidism.

Cauliflower: characteristics

When we go to buy one, at the market, at the supermarket or in one farm with vegetable garden organic, we have to pay attention to the shape and consistency in order not to return with a disappointment to cook in a pan. Despite withstanding the winter cold well, the Cauliflower it is delicate, a trifle makes it deteriorate. So let's be careful that it is tightly closed and compact, we look for the inflorescence and check that it is firm and spotless.

Don't think you can get away with it: even the outer leaves should be checked, they must be crisp and close to the head. Only a cauliflower that has all these requirements can be said to be fresh, even if it has only the slightly blackened surface, it is not well preserved.

Cauliflower: nutritional values

We have said that it has few calories, and this is true, it is not an advertising slogan of Cauliflowers & co. One pound of this vegetable provides 25 kcal and at the same time very filling. Like all cabbages, it is rich in useful nutrients including potassium, calcium, phosphorus and iron but also folic acid and vitamin C.

Those who know it well know that it contains anti-cancer, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti-scurvy active ingredients. Cauliflowers in particular, more than other similar foods, have purifying and remineralizing effects and promote tissue regeneration.

A particular value has the cauliflower juice, against colds and flu, but must be prepared with the centrifuge and then diluted with water and honey to be drinkable.

Cauliflower: benefits

Diabetes sufferers are advised 12 months out of 12, because they are able to control blood sugar levels. There are also studies to investigate the power of cauliflowers in the field of colon cancer and ulcer prevention, as well as in treating anemia. The benefits of one are also being investigated diet very rich in Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, broccoli and cabbage, it could help you stay healthy thanks to the antioxidants and indoles contained in abundance in these foods.

Cauliflower: recipes

There are creams and gratins, but the cauliflower meatballs they are the best, the easiest to offer even to children and not very fond of vegetables. A cauliflower, you need, and then 3 potatoes, a pound of Parmesan, 50 grams of pecorino, a pound of scamorza, an egg, salt, pepper and parsley.

Clean the cauliflower and divided into florets, let's steam it together with the peeled and chopped potatoes for half an hour. With the vegetable mill, mash everything and mix it with the other ingredients already cut into cubes. All that remains is create balls which, cooked in the oven, will become our meatballs. We can also fry them, but the calories go up.

For those who cannot make their child or grandchild love this vegetable, they can take it away by giving them this book. "Face of Cauliflower", also on Amazon by Roberta Fasanotti and Elena Baboni

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