
How to sprout wheat

How to sprout wheat

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How to sprout wheat: directions, step by step, to grow wheat sprouts. Germination of wheat and consumption of the obtained sprouts.

THEwheat sproutsare obtained from the process ofgerminationof theWheat, botanically known astriticum aestivum.

Sprouts of wheat, properties

Why consumesprouted wheat? Because the content of active ingredients of a given vegetable varies according to the phase of thecyclebiologicalgoing through. The process ofgerminationnot only does it increase Vitamin C levels but it alters the classic nutritional composition of wheat. THEwheat sproutsthey contain vitamins of group B, especially B2, B5 and B6.

They significantly increase carotene levels (sometimes as much as eight times!) And, more importantly, withgerminationthecitric acid. Citric acid is a substance that inhibits the absorption of essential micronutrients such as calcium, magnesium, iron, copper and zinc. Additionally, numerous enzymes that aid digestion are produced right in the processgermination.

Wheat sprouts are easy to obtain: thegerminationit is an easy process to do even in the home. No special lamps, greenhouses or products are required. In the next paragraph we will see how to grow wheat sprouts.

How to sprout wheat

With the right temperature it will only take two days to getwheat sproutsready to eat. The times ofgermination of wheatmay vary depending on thefreshnessand ofvarietyof wheat grains as well, obviously to factors such as humidity and temperature.

Formake the wheat sproutyou must have:

  • Soft wheat grains to sprout
  • A gauze
  • A jar
  • Fresh water"

The grains of wheat to be sprouted can be found in food stores or at certain agricultural consortia. Those who prefer online shopping can find them on Amazon where a half kg pack can be bought at a price of 7.11 euros with shipping costs included.

For all information, please visit the official Amazon page: wheat grains to sprout.

On Amazon you can also find honeycomb containers or germination sets but… if you have a large jar, that's enough.

We have reported "fresh water" because calcareous water risks hindering the germination process. Better to use distilled water if you have limescale problems in your area.

How to proceed?
In a one-liter jar, add half a cup of soft wheat grainsand fill it with water. Pour the water away and wait 24 hours during which you have "corked" the jar with a little gauze (which is very breathable), which is also damp.

After 24 hours, rinse the wheat grains, fill the jar with water again and drain it away. Wait another 24 hours and iwheat sproutsthey will be ready.

If temperatures are lower, this process could take up to 4 days. Remember to add and drain the water every day to keep the environment very humid.

Sprouts of wheat, cultivation and recipes

To learn more about the cultivation of sprouts and above all to know their nutritional properties, several manuals are available.

Among the most complete texts I point out that ofraw foodistAnn Wigmore who highlights the properties and active ingredients of the sprouts. These precious plants, in fact, seem to have a strong impact on health: they would help prevent and fight cancer, slow down aging and would also be useful in the low-calorie diet for reducing body weight.

The book is also very useful for nutritional tables, home germination practices and especially for recipes. For all information on the cited text, please refer to the official page: Sprouts. How to grow them. Recipes, properties and benefits. The book can be bought on Amazon at a price of 5.02 euros with free shipping costs.

Video: How to Sprout Wheat Berries (January 2025).